Camp NaNo – Beginnings

BudsAlmost a week into camp and things are going well. Spookily well, actually. So it’s a good beginning.

The folks at Camp NaNoWriMo have a good system. For those new to the term, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The “real” NaNoWriMo is November, but the same folks run one-month camps in April and July each year. They’ve connected me with eleven other people in a cabin, and we chat with each other online and encourage each other’s writing. As I write this I’m involved in a Skype chat about untangling a plot question in a fantasy story, about which Christmas movies are best and why, and about what motivations work best. I share with them the daily motivational images I put up over on my Facebook page. They share the word of the day from a calendar and inspirational videos. It works well.

On the story side, I’m a few hundred words ahead of the daily goal and the chapters have worked out almost exactly as I planned. I say spooky because I know this will not last. As I approach the middle of the book, things are bound to get trickier. But I’ll get through it!

Are you doing NaNo? Have you ever done something like that? What was your experience like?

9 thoughts on “Camp NaNo – Beginnings

  1. I’d say congrats but I don’t want to jinx you. I’ve done NaNoWriMo before and done well in the beginning. But always tripped up in the middle. I did camp last year but fell behind when my adapter charger shorted out and had to order a new one.


    • Thanks for the support. If there’s any jinxing going on, I’ve done it myself. The middle is ALWAYS going to be harder. If I can get through that, the ending will go smoothly. (She said optimistically!)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. NaNoWriMo months are the only time I seem to work on my own stuff these days. I’m currently ahead in my own word count. I originally had it set at 30K, but I raised it to 60K as I am sitting between 15K and 16K right now. I’m not writing this month though. At least… Not a lot. I’m re-writing and editing my 2013 NaNoWriMo novel which is due to the publisher mid-August. We’ll see what happens…


    • I’m glad you are also having a good experience. Summer is the only time I can focus on writing, so I’m digging in. For actual NaNo in November I would have to set a goal like “revise two chapters,” and I might not get that done! So, here’s to more words.


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