Q Haiku #atozchallenge


Some say strange, wrong, bad—

but if you are it, own it!

take pride in the word

I don’t know how many people will guess the answer to today’s haiku puzzle. The Q word that it refers to is not on everyone’s mind, but it has deep meaning for others. A word that was used to label a group as “strange, wrong, bad,” but that the group has claimed as their own. Say it proudly. Maybe even fabulously.

Today’s entry in the A to Z Blogging Challenge.

11 thoughts on “Q Haiku #atozchallenge

  1. I remember when I thought the word “queer” meant folks who lived in the country because that is how hobbits living in Hobbiton described the hobbits that lived in Buckland in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. This was when I was still very young. My grandmother used to take me to tea with a couple down the street from her. These were two retired actors who had moved from New York. They told most wonderful stories and were included in our all our family gatherings. One mean kid in my grandmother’s neighborhood asked me why I spent so much time with queers. I told him Ralph and Richard were from the big city and that I was queer because I was from the country. What did I know?

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  2. Where I live, it’s used as an umbrella term for LGBT people, but often adds the connotation of “different, and okay with that” as opposed to trying to fit in. I think it’s acquired that extra layer because those are the people who reclaimed it first. So the working-class activist with the nose ring prefers queer, and the well-dressed professional prefers L, G, B, or T, even though they may have exactly the same gender and orientation and both be working for the same political causes. (I’m both. Not very respectable, but too laid-back to be a visible activist. I suspect each group sees me as part of the other.)

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  3. I had a bit of queer as a sub-theme in my post today as well, though the reader could have read it differently had they wanted to. I think you thought nobody would get it from your haiku (I did), so you gave an extra heaping helping of assistance in your epilogue!

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